Christmas Comes To Wolf Peak Territory
So, I've been working on my Winter Solstice post...but couldn't get it done before now...
Hearth and Home, Christmas Eve in Wolf Peak Territory
Waiting for Santa Claws
Yuletide Joy For All...
End of the Year 2020 In Wolf Peak Territory...
Winter Solstice *Howls and Yowls and Growls* In 2020, Shapeshifter Lovers.
Again, Happy Howlidays to All from Wolf Peak Territory.
Thunderbolt, silver wolf shapeshifter and grandson of Thor, raised his dynastic lightning hammer high, a dramatic action that impressed all in the Great Hall. "Judgement by the Universe Council has arrived for the Dark Destroyers who dare bring death and destruction upon Mother Earth, upon her precious sentient beings.
torment, the torture of the Innocent, of the Good, has exceeded all
tolerance. Despite the Cosmic Federation's proper warnings, and prior
punishments, nothing has deterred Those Dark Ones Who Refuse the Heart,
Those Who Rape the Soul of Sovereign Beings.
Thunderbolt swung the gigantic god-weapon crashing it on the wood-plank table. Fiery sparks, enormous flashes of blue forked lightning, the sound boomed blistering the air. Yet, the table remained untouched, perfectly pristine.
"Let the Great Judgement begin, ferocious and merciless."
"Only mercy for Those Who Are Deserving." A halo of crystalline sparks emanated from the lovely fae queen. "The Black Hearts must be cleansed from our Earth realm. We must bring forth our strongest powers, my Wolf Peak family. On this shortest day, on this longest night--this Winter Solstice--we join together in the spiritual battle. With relentless determination we will destroy Those Who Would Destroy us, Those Global Deceivers who are irreversibly harming our Great Mother planet."
Thunderbolt's brother, brought his Hammer of Judgement down, a
shattering explosion that shook the Great Gathering Hall.
"Victory belongs to the righteously good."
Hearty bellows of agreement competed with the sound of his hammer.
the echoes subsided, Saxia stood. She raised her arm in triumph as she
met the gazes of those around her. "On this sacred Winter Solstice I
have good news, my sisters and brothers in Wolf Peak. My home realm of
Hyperborea joins this highest spiritual battle. We join with our
advanced mind abilities and with our most savage warriors."
"Saxia, Saxia, Saxia..." the chant traveled throughout the Hall.
Thunderbolt's sister, thrust her Hammer of Judgement high. In victory.
"My grandfather, Thor, lives eternally in our Spirit. We the Silver Wolf
Pack. We will not accept any form of world tyranny. Now, the false gods
invade our Mother Earth to rule, to ruthlessly pillage and plunder, to
enslave the Helpless. No!" She pumped the hammer, "we will fight."
Silvermist, Silvermist. We will fight," the thunderous chorus erupted
shaking the arched rafters of the Great Hall.
"We will fight," Zheros stood, naturally commanding the attention of All. The Leader of the Stag Clans in Wolf Peak Territory, he had become one of Dante, alpha wolf leader, and his mate, Kitty's top shifter advisors.
"Even now, as you know, we and our Fae companions, battle every enemies with the ancient and potent power of Magick. On this mystical night of the Winter Solstice the Cosmic Knowledge gained through our antenna antlers will empower our fight. We know in the Aquarian Age WE LIVE FREE or we perish on our beloved Mother Earth."
Kaashyda, Celtic Wisdom Priestess, head of various spiritual communities in the Peak... she glided beside the stag shifter.
"As you speak, Zheros. In the antediluvian days of Freedom when the Atlantean culture was Good, when all was prosperous and joy lived in every heart. The time when there was a grand creative paradise and every individual could bring forth according to their WILL."
Kaashyda raised her arm as if she held the torch, the torch triumphantly held by Lady Liberty.
"So it will be again. If we dare to fight. For, victory is within reach. It is ours, dearest Peak family."
"He's trying out for the Viking cheerleader's squad," Kitty, his mate, joked, her tone playful. She took hold of his hand as Dante joined her on the Hall's platform.
"I have to show off for my gorgeous mate." Dante gave Kitty's waist a loving squeeze. "The Jupiter-Saturn Winter Solstice we are celebrating, this heavenly sign introducing the Aquarian Age, promises freedom, true freedom, individual freedom," he paused, then continued in his growly voice, "if we are brave enough to take it."
"We are brave enough," roared throughout the Great Hall.
"The Aquarian Age," Kitty spoke once silence reigned. "This celestial dance of planets, as Solivia explained, bestows a new harmony between women and men. We now own the opportunity to dance together with 'A Higher Heart'. With a more loving heart."
Kitty spread her arms as if she embraced everyone present. "The marriage of the feminine and masculine energies becomes possible in a holistic and beautiful way. This is because we dance, we create life in a union far beyond what we have experienced on our precious Mother Earth."
Kitty finished with these words, "We live, move, and have our being in LOVE."
Cosmic Snow Kisses During the Winter Solstice Grand Conjunction. Feel the Love of the Universe Surround and Touch Every Inch of You.
Kisses From Heaven is an 11”x14” print. It is sure to add a touch of joy to any room.