Thursday, December 17, 2015

"Meet the parents."

Tracking the Christmas Holiday Package ... A New Winter Game For Those Who Live In Wolf Peak Territory ... from SHAPESHIFTER SEDUCTION


Authoress news and mews ~ 

The Kougar is about half way through Chapter Fifty of her  WIP, WAITING FOR A FILLY GIRL... Yeah, she keeps getting interrupted. Anyway, Drev, the hero, has just seen his heroine, Keina's winged horse parents as they land in the King's courtyard... and he's only wearing rags... yeah, stay tuned.

Here's a little SNIPPET: "Stud man, it's okay," his filly girl soothed. She cupped his shoulder, and the  touch of her hand reassured him. "Meet the parents." 

In a majestic sweep of their wings, the two Pegasus halted their momentum. Having landed at the far end of the courtyard, the two folded their white-feather, golden-tipped wings. In concert, they gazed over the courtyard, quickly focusing on their daughter. 

Keina's sire, by his studly size, was similar in coloring, but massively muscled, and reminded Drev of the Lipizanner breed of horse. While her petite dam strongly resembled his Keina. The beautiful mare's coat glowed, a golden caramel color beneath—Drev glanced skyward—a deep yellow sun. 

"They're gorgeous," Drev stage-whispered to Keina. 


Wishing you romance on the wild side…  

Kisses, Savanna Kougar

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