Thursday, May 16, 2019

Writing that politically correct Erotic Romance Novel?


Hey, Microsoft can help YOU with their latest AI tool. 


Hey, ShapeShifter Lovers, I finally have some time to post. Lucky for you, huh? Okay, that's a big ole tongue in cheek. 

So, let me tell you I HAVE NEVER BEEN SO GLAD I never used Word to pen anything at all.  Nothing! None of my romance novels. 

Yes, this ole fuddy-duddy author still uses Wordperfect 12 [and I bought my own CD]. Why? It's easy. It's logical. And, Wordperfect 12 program makes sense to me. 

From the beginning I never liked Microsoft Word. Why use a program you don't like, given, when needed, I can simply copy my manuscript to Word '97, or any other Word program? 

And now, to deal with the endless frustration of a writing program telling me what to write, interrupting me -- yep, this will happen eventually, even if they tell you now it's ONLY a tool choice. 

Well... no thank you. That's a BIG NO THANK YOU. I don't want that program tool. Especially since you will be monitored in live time ... you know, like they currently do in China. 

Anything and everything a person does using their cyber devices in China is known in live time -- and that person can be, and often is, immediately punished for having a low social credit score. NO BANKING FOR YOU... NO TRAIN TICKET ... NO AIRPLANE TICKET ... KICKED OUT OF YOUR APARTMENT EVEN IF YOU'RE PAYING FAITHFULLY... 

But hey, even if you can override Microsoft's suggested changes for your novel ... what happens somewhere down the BIG BROTHER 1984 timeline ... if your manuscript is deemed NOT politically correct, then you get no publisher ... you don't get to publish anywhere, in fact -- not even on a website you supposedly own, and pay for. 

Know this, it will not matter how successful you are -- how successful your novel is/could be -- or how good you are at raking in the cashola as an author. The PC culture demands complete obedience to their will -- you now, shades of the old Soviet Union.  

Besides, these days, any content can be scrubbed from the Internet of Things -- cyber book-burning happens everyday now. Websites, blogs, social media accounts are falling like dominoes. 

So maybe, your precious novel would be on the dark web. But who wants to deal with the dark web? I don't. I'm not cyber-savvy enough. 

The truth for me is, I want Microsoft and the other giant tech companies broken up, their tyrannical cartels ended. Heck, by now, these global-corporate monsters WHO WANT TO DICTATE what kind of fictional stories you can and cannot write, what type of romance you can and cannot write .. hell, they must have broken every antitrust law. At least, according to many law experts. 

And no, the Silicon Valley tech giants are NOT private companies. All of these companies were started by DARPA-INTEL AGENCIES, with their black monies, essentially with your taxpayer dollars. YES, MICROSOFT [a subsidiary of IBM, friend to the Nazi regime] ... YES, FACEBOOK, GOOGLE, TWITTER... ARE OWNED BY *WE THE PEOPLE*. 

If you look at it this way, you as a romance writer are paying for someone else, a big-brother type, to tell YOU how and what you are allowed to write. In the near future. 

How is this allowed in America? 

Microsoft launches new 'inclusive' AI tool that will recommend ways to make your writing more politically correct

  • 'Ideas in Word' uses machine learning to make suggestions in Word documents
  • The tool suggests when users could use more inclusive language in their writing
  • Also offers suggestions on conciseness and punctuation, among other things

Yes, Mothers Are Beloved In Wolf Peak Territory... 

Yes, ShapeShifter Lovers, Mother's Day Has Come and Gone For 2019... however, it's always GOOD to celebrate mothers ... here are some pics from Wolf Peak Territory. 

Okay, Wolves First... 

Mom's always need a good snooze... 

Nothing more beautiful than a mare and her foal ... 

Baby Horse Love... 

Unicorn moms and their springtime babies abound in the Peak.... 

Who can resist this pair of lovelies... 

Aw, mom, another bath? 

Proud Mama Cougar ... how huggable are these little cuties? 

Cheetah Adorables ... Mama Cheetah loves living in the Peak. 

Wouldn't you like to tumble and play with this little bear guy ... careful! Only if Mom approves. 

Happy Mother's Day to the Bear Shifter Moms ... yep, the epitome of tough and tender... 

Buffalo shapeshifter moms are the best... 

Doe and her fawn, shifters, of course ... Mom and Dawn own a survival shop in Moonrise Lake, the small town in Wolf Peak Territory... 

Another herd of donkey shapeshifters has moved to the Peak... 

Did you know Pandas have a lot of canine genetics ...originally, they were gene-created as pets and protectors for a royal line of people who migrated to Earth very long ago. 

Yes, Zebra shapeshifters roam the prairies inside the Peak ... to hide them Peakites designed a breeding ranch for Zebras... 

Dolphin shifters love visiting Wolf Peak, especially all the shops inside the Interspecies Pleasure Club -- there is a waterway from the ocean through a series of caves... 

Yes, there's a Swan Lake in the Peak... 

There's a Hippo Lake, as well... what a big mouth cutie... 

Who wouldn't LOVE this small tank of a baby...? 

Vacationing in the Arctic, one of the Peak's Polar Bear moms, and first cub...  

The Tiger shifter twins adore Momma Tigress... 


Run on the Wild Side of Romance  

Kisses, Savanna Kougar

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