Thursday, June 30, 2016

King Arthur's Tomb, History Revealed

Hey Beautiful Kittens, if you as an author love writing those medieval romances... or as a reader if you devour these type of historical romances, you just might thoroughly enjoy this interview with Graham Phillips, author of THE LOST TOMB. 
I adore history, and this time period is one of my faves. I also love learning the TRUTH, what has been hidden, or simply what has been newly discovered. 
On top of that, Graham Phillips is erudite, explaining the incredible historical facts he's uncovered. Check this interview out, if it resonates. Buy his book if you can't resist. I'm certain as an author, he would appreciate that.

Friday June 24, 2016

The Lost Tomb

Was King Arthur real? Did Merlin do magic? After a ten year absence from Dreamland and a seven year span between books, legendary historical investigator Graham Phillips returns with the truth about Arthur, Camelot and Merlin.

Do the legendary Arthurian Romances have any basis in truth? And if Arthur was a great king, where is his tomb?

That would be enough for any program, but we go deeper into the legend of Merlin's voyage to the new world, and the true origin of the Newgate Tower that stands in Providence Rhode Island, to this day a mystery.

But Graham has still more to offer. He tells us about the Ark of the Covenant and why he knows it hasn't been lost, and recounts a magical story about the location of the grave of Mary the Mother of Jesus and why it is located thousands of miles from Palestine.

Graham's website is

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