Friday, November 15, 2013

The Mages of Ages Lost ... emerged as ancient...

Middle of the night mews, magical and magnificent Big Cats... a milder day on the tame prairie with thin lines of wispy clouds overhead... the overwhelming brightness and odd position of the sun in the sky continues to startle this Big Cat... and like she'd yowled before, there's a different quality to the light, as in being more diamond-like.

As always watch out for yourselves, and your loved ones, darling kittens. Lots of nasty stuff coming down. Remember, this Big Cat loves ya!

Authoress news and mews ~

Check out Pat Cunningham's thoughtful post at TITLE MAGIC ~ ~ about 'protecting what's yours as a writer' and the dangers out there in the fictional world.

In the Air
by Pat Cunningham

The other week we had a minor scare over at our other blog, Shapeshifter Seductions. On that blog we five writers have been chronicling the adventures of a cast of shapeshifters in Talbot’s Peak, a remote town in Montana. Imagine our consternation when we discovered an ebook publisher was putting out a multiple-author series about love and lots and lots of sex set in a remote town in Montana. Turned out it was cowboys and not shapeshifters getting it on out there in the boonies, so this time we’re okay.


The Mages of Ages Lost ... emerged as ancient, on-the-good-side magicians in Volcano's Weekly Angelic Forecast. These beyond-Merlin mages, who lived in the Great Time of Magick, during Earth's 'unknown' past... during another Age... now relentlessly battle to overcome the evil ones and their dark diabolical sorcery that is infesting Earth at this time.

Volcano, if you don't know, is my hero in WHEN A GOOD ANGEL FALLS... he's what is known as a carnal cherub. That is, he is heaven born and bred, but has the density to live and operate in the human realm. His kind are always on mission for the Divine.

Anyway, the Kougar has been channeling Volcano's forecast each week for some time now. This week, this war in heaven, this cosmic battle between light and dark, has gone to another furious level.

Now... White Whirlpools of Good Are Transversing the Planet ~ tornadically destroying more of the black-shrouding sorcery of the evil ones.

From this week's forecast:

"On the magickal, mystical front, this week the 'Mages of Ages Lost' fiercely blast their light power across Mother Earth exposing the 'real truth' of humanity's past. For, the dark cabal's carefully constructed lies are unraveling faster than Superman.

As well, the POWERFUL MAGICIANS among us emerge more and more to cast their mighty energies against the dark-side Vipers. Their bold intent is to magickally form a GOOD future for one and ALL."


Wishing you romance on the wild side… 

Kisses, Savanna Kougar

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