Thursday, January 26, 2023

Tigress Bright Soul Rising, the Battle


She who adores tigers...


FAREWELL TIGRESS and TIGER Howls, Yowls, Growls and 'No Scowls or Big Scowls' ShapeShifter Lovers!  

Okay, yes, the Year of the Water Rabbit is here, fast-hopping us into the wild tumultous future-- one that will be the carrot and the stick. But Bugs Bunny wins.

HOWEVER, on a personal note i'm a big lover of tiger stripes. Yep, ever since I was a wee one...absolutely,I'm always buying tiger fabrics. Also, some of my beloved dogs in the past were brindles with the most gorgeous tiger-type stripes patterns ever. Good gawd, I love my dogs, miss them terribly and wish they were still here...wish, wish, wish... 

So, the Year of the Tiger has ended...yet, the ferocious tigressrs and tigers of Wolf Peak continue their relentless retaliation, their secret ruthless operations against the enemies of humanity-- and, of course, against the enemies of ALL Beings-- roars! savage claws and fangs against the dangerous enemies of Mother Earth.


Wolf Peak Territory is home to TIGRESS and TIGER Shapeshifters of all types and stripes ... to tiger Supernaturals of every imaginable and unimaginable kind ... to tiger Extraterrestrials, Interdimensionals, Those from Inner Worlds ... and home to several ancient, powerful TIGER goddesses and gods, and their descendants.

HOWEVER... to be OBVIOUSLY redundant and inclusive...

BEWARE and TAKE CARE! Wolf Peak Territory is home to Shapeshifters of all types and stripes ... to Supernaturals of every imaginable and unimaginable kind ... to Extraterrestrials, Interdimensionals, Those from Inner Worlds ... and home to several ancient, powerful goddesses and gods, and their descendants.

NOTE: This fictional shapeshifter/supernatural world, and all the characters within this world, are under copyright to author Savanna Kougar.

Her tiger companion while in Atlantis has stepped out of the time matrix. He brings great joy to Kymbra and won over Dangerous, her super hero cowboy.

An invaluable member of the Tiger Claw team, he stalks the ethers searching out enemies. He is a master of paranormal terror. The world stage belongs to him.

Tigress bright soul rising, the battle to save freedoom for ALL.

After their mission to rescue teenagers from fentynil overdoses, she rests with her tiger shapeshifter mate in their flower forest bower. He alwatys protects her.

Two fierce warrioresses fly to victory invisible in the mystical lavender light they are able manifest.

Powerful shamans, they move inside the cosmic winds, able to rapidly travel, thus conquering the foes of liberty-- overcoming those who would destroy Wolf Peak Territory.

 Atop a mountain, Tigress woman and her courageous shapeshifter mate, are part of the Watcher team. They are on the lookout for constant marauding armies of drones.

An extraterrestrial from a tiger-ruied world, a freedom lover, she originally migrated to Wolf Peak. She loves nothing more than shredding enemies [nto itsy bitsy pieces, especially the darkside cabal's secret army of giants.

 A tigress shifter witch, her seeress visions are revered, considered priceless. Those who hate freedom-- those who would deny freedom to any PEAKITE, are her targets.

The enchantment of LIFE, LIBERTY, AND THE PURSUIT OF HAPPINESS for every Tiger Being-- FOR ALL in the Universe.

 This Tigress humanoid has found her happiness in Wolf Peak. She ferociously enjoys confronting packs of soy boys...roaring giggles at them and kick-boxing their weapons to the clouds above. She owns the martial arts.

 Swooping to the attack, this winged white tigeress protects the Peak with the Aerial Guardian team. She is uncompromisingly savage yet also very loving.

 On the attack...

Soaring with a fae friend over the magnificence of Wolf Peak Territory-- ever on alert for enemies.

 The Saber-tooth Tigress Goddess-Warrior... Insufferably dumb, her considered assessment of the World Economic Forum sinister idjits. 

Her freedom growl...Death to the NWO! DEATH TO THE WEF! ln a loving way, of course,h_727,q_75,strp/winged_white_tiger_cub_by_lady_cybercat.jpg?token=eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJpc3MiOiJ1cm46YXBwOjdlMGQxODg5ODIyNjQzNzNhNWYwZDQxNWVhMGQyNmUwIiwic3ViIjoidXJuOmFwcDo3ZTBkMTg4OTgyMjY0MzczYTVmMGQ0MTVlYTBkMjZlMCIsImF1ZCI6WyJ1cm46c2VydmljZTppbWFnZS5vcGVyYXRpb25zIl0sIm9iaiI6W1t7InBhdGgiOiIvZi9mYjM1MGRkNC00YTBhLTQ4MGEtYWRiNy01NmI3ZTk1MGQ4ZjgvZG1yMTl1LWMzYTFlOTQwLTVlYzQtNDcwNS05YzI3LWVkY2VlMDkwYTY1ZS5qcGciLCJ3aWR0aCI6Ijw9NTc5IiwiaGVpZ2h0IjoiPD03MjcifV1dfQ.P53ALXDpRVrVneAXATibf_YfYjgf01GO8VBASSHW5oI

 Baby Tigress Winged Warrioress at play...

 Tiger sanctuary amid the cathedral mountains where Tartaria still exists. Missions to save humanity are being planned here.

A humanoid tiger from a realm beneath India and inside INNER EARTH, he is a Master of MARTIAL ARTS. Stealth is one of his weapons. He leads covert operations crushing the Dark Ones, especially those who harm our children.

 Entering the Stargate, she walks many celestial worlds learning a thousand new ways to protect Wolf Peak and Earth.

 Spiritual reverence, loving Mother Earth, the Tiger Twins are companions to many in need. No one is allowed to go without in Wolf Peak.

 She adores swimming the sacred waters and is always inspired to run the highest Divine path.

 The deep blue waters, an underground river in the Peak that leads to Mt. Shasta. Many battles to guard this Atlantis and Lemurian colony have occurred, and are ongoing.

Feeding time, one more nefarious invader chomped down.

 Her lovely fish friends show the way to the amphibian-shifter intruders-- soon to be shark food.

 Swimming with her goldfish companions in serene union,together they investigate any disturbance in the watery force.

  A mermaid shifter and her super-man tiger lover, also a shapeshifter, they happily live in Wolf Peak. Spy missions are their thing.

 With stealth she tracks the satanic cult through a deep dark forest. They have kidnapped a child for sacrifice. This will not happen.

Her ruthless rampage against the rising trap of world-omnipotent tyranny. She will win.

 Winged tigress-snow leopardess arrives in the Peak to avenge the murder of her mother by a monstrous evil cabal who have vowed to eliminate every shifter-breed on Earth. With total dedication she trains everyday in battle techniques.

 With her other myth-real friends, she attacks a notorious bad vampire at his castle estate. Guess who wins... it ain't the vampire.

 The deep purple realm of cyber security... she prowls observing all, snatching up the hapless invading web rats deployed to destroy the Peak's computer network.

 With her dragoness pal, she teaches those in Wolf Peak how to defeat serpent combatants .

Yes, shapeshifter saber-tooth tigers exist. They have gathered in Wolf Peak. With formidable savagery these giant-fanged predators make tasty morsels out those who dare cross into the Peak borderlands.

  "Disgust...distrust! I will incinerate you!" she roars to the beast system establishment...this tigress daughter of Pele.

In Hawaiian religion, Pele is the goddess of volcanoes and fire and the creator of the Hawaiian Islands. Often referred to as "Madame Pele" or "Tūtū Pele" as a sign of respect, she is a well-known deity within Hawaiian mythology and is notable for her contemporary presence and cultural influence as an enduring figure from ancient Hawaii.Wikipedia
Symbol:fire, volcano
Parents:Haumea, Ku-waha-ilo,h_639,q_75,strp/powerful_tiger_in_water_by_thesaygi-d4sifof.png?token=eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJpc3MiOiJ1cm46YXBwOjdlMGQxODg5ODIyNjQzNzNhNWYwZDQxNWVhMGQyNmUwIiwic3ViIjoidXJuOmFwcDo3ZTBkMTg4OTgyMjY0MzczYTVmMGQ0MTVlYTBkMjZlMCIsImF1ZCI6WyJ1cm46c2VydmljZTppbWFnZS5vcGVyYXRpb25zIl0sIm9iaiI6W1t7InBhdGgiOiIvZi81ODRjZDlhZi1lNTY0LTQwMDYtYTM2ZS0xZWU5ZDVjODU2ZWQvZDRzaWZvZi0wYmZiNDZjNi1hOTQ2LTQ5NDQtOTlhYS05YTRkNzQyYWFiNTgucG5nIiwid2lkdGgiOiI8PTEwMjQiLCJoZWlnaHQiOiI8PTYzOSJ9XV19.5XZKCP8MzEEMENgzYorPGCInyC5WlvrkBdjJjdeCmo8

 Hunting the predators who traffic our precious children, she coldly rages, leaping toward the criminal cartel minions that cross the border into Wolf Peak. Soon they will be bloody mincemeat corpses-- only once the young ones are rescued.

Tiger Art - ID: 90774 - Art Abyss He dreams of chasing the fluff-glitter bevy o' dancing drag queens, pouncing on them once again...hearing their pathetic squeals and screams, their course swearing...smelling their fear-stench as they run like terrorized baby chicks... he swats their bared flesh, rips their fancy obnoxious costumes. No one dares stop him and his crew...because they can't. Flash-disappearing is their super power.

 I GOT A TIGRESS BY THE TAIL..this shapeshifter couple prowls the borderlands of Wolf Peak. They fiercely adore attacking, taking down, then crushing-crunching the most advanced robots, the Boston Dynamics robo dogs... ferocious growls! all the robo critters--their artificial scent can't escape the exceptional tiger noses.

 TIGER FAMILY IN THEIR WOLF PEAK PARADISE...relaxing, rejuvenating, loving each other, that is the key.

 A scene from Poseidon's Atlantis in the area of Bimini... I am remembering the good times.

 Who wouldn't want to visit this playful tiger getaway?

Contemplating his last Guardian mission-- tracking down an invasion by the MS13 drug cartel. This happened in the neighboring enemy territory of Talbot Peak. The cruel killers were routed, pursued and severely mauled.

Reflecting opon the Year of the Water Tiger... fierce, successful, but not an easy year for most, to say the least.

 Tasting the pure waters of freedom... we Tigers will never surrender.!d

 Her Tiger Guardian. their coming together for a mission-ops impossible-- rescuing trapped wee folk in one of the DUMBS-- black ops in the military underground bases.

 Tiger shapeshifter family--free to roam, free to rest and recuperate. Free to live...

She who rules the secret jungle realm in Wolf Peak Territory. Friends are lovingly welcomed. Foes are brutally mauled-- the big cats always enjoy a challenging chase, a ripping of flesh with claws and fangs.

Tiger By the Tail
Waylon Jennings
I've got a tiger by the tail it's plain to see
I won't be much when you get through with me
Well I'm a losing weight and I'm turning mighty pale
Looks like I've got a tiger by the tail

Well I thought the day I met you you were meek as a lamb
Just the kind to fit my dreams and plans
Now the pace we're livin' takes the wind from my sails
And it looks like I've got a tiger by the tail

I've got a tiger by the tail it's plain to see
I won't be much when you get through with me
Well I'm a losing weight and I'm turning mighty pale
Looks like I've got a tiger by the tail

Well every night you drag me where the bright lights're found
There ain't no way to slow you down
I'm about as helpless as a leaf in a gale and it looks like I've got a tiger by the tail

I've got a tiger by the tail it's plain to see
I won't be much when you get through with me
Well I'm a losing weight and I'm turning mighty pale
Looks like I've got a tiger by the tail

 Just for fun...,h_675,q_75,strp/tropical_fantasy_with_tiger_by_aparks45-d3b3a0h.jpg?token=eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJpc3MiOiJ1cm46YXBwOjdlMGQxODg5ODIyNjQzNzNhNWYwZDQxNWVhMGQyNmUwIiwic3ViIjoidXJuOmFwcDo3ZTBkMTg4OTgyMjY0MzczYTVmMGQ0MTVlYTBkMjZlMCIsImF1ZCI6WyJ1cm46c2VydmljZTppbWFnZS5vcGVyYXRpb25zIl0sIm9iaiI6W1t7InBhdGgiOiIvZi9jMjM1MzUwNi00ZDIwLTRmZTYtOGEzZi00N2Q4YzkwYmRhMzUvZDNiM2EwaC1hYWI1NGJjMy0xMWI2LTQ4MDUtOTU0Ni1mMzYzYzNkMmYzMTguanBnIiwid2lkdGgiOiI8PTkwMCIsImhlaWdodCI6Ijw9Njc1In1dXX0.SZrE_9cTglzNaQru6hXfHZRR1mdV9BuDpIqhBfGb3hM

Traveling the ancient undersea tunnels, she then walks the night in her sanctuary. A strategic genius, she plans the raids that will eliminate those who are destroying the food processing centers--the invaluable supply lines.

Jefferson Starship - Ride The Tiger

I want to ride the tiger
I want to ride the tiger
It will be black and white in the dead of night
Eyes flashing in the clear moonlight
I want to ride the tiger.

It's like a tear in the hands of a western man
Tell you about salt, carbon and water
But a tear to a chinese man
He'll tell you about sadness and sorrow or the love of a man and
A woman.

I want to ride the tiger
I want to sail through the risin' sun for you and you
We got something to learn from the other side
Something to give, we got nothing to hide
I want to ride the tiger.

Black wants out of the streets
Yellow wants the country
Red wants the country back
And white wants out of this world
Sing - sing to the sky
I want to ride the tiger
I want to ride the tiger.

Look to the summer of seventy-five
All the world is gonna come alive
Do you want to ride the tiger?

It's like a tear in the hands of a western man
Tell you about salt, carbon and water
But a tear to an oriental man
He'll tell you about sadness and sorrow or the love of a man and
A woman.

 Cosmic noble soul... a loving portrait.

Lounging in her winter retreat, she will allow no tyrannical rulers. For, freedom is her eternal Spirit

The city is a jungle, you better take care
Never walk alone after midnight
If you don't believe it, you better beware of me

I am behind you, I'll always find you
I am the tiger
People who fear me never go near me
I am the tiger

The city is a nightmare, a horrible dream
Some of us will dream it forever
Look around the corner and try not to scream, it's me

I am behind you, I'll always find you
I am the tiger
People who fear me never go near me
I am the tiger

Yellow eyes are glowing like the neon lights
Yellow eyes, the spotlights of the city nights

I am behind you, I'll always find you
I am the tiger
People who fear me never go near me
I am the tiger

The city is a prison, you never escape
You're forever trapped in the alleys
Look into the shadows, and you'll see the shape of me

I am behind you, I'll always find you
I am the tiger
People who fear me never go near me
I am the tiger

Yellow eyes are glowing like the neon lights
Yellow eyes, the spotlights of the city nights

I am behind you, I'll always find you
I am the tiger
People who fear me never go near me
I am the tiger

And if I meet you, what if I eat you?
I am the tiger
I am behind you, I'll always find you
I am the tiger, tiger, tiger

  WHEN STRIPES WERE GOLD... Once upon a very ancient time, in the Golden Age of Earth, the Tiger Race proudly displayed their golden knowledge and intergalactic wisdom.

The tiger angels, they once soared the skies relishing their absolute freedom.

 BRIGHT SOUL DREAMS of the tigress-- creating the future of Mother Earth.

 Mother Tigress Shapeshifter-- she and her baby are safe in the Peak, rescued from the evil ones.

 Mountain Watchtower, the tigress queen teaches her cub babies.

Frolicking in the haven that is a hidden part of Wolf Peak.

Happiness is the natural right of every Being living and thriving in Wolf Peak Territory.

Bathed in beauty, a twilight hike.

 Water White Tigress Queen, she is devoted to the wellbeing of ALL in Wolf Peak. Her healing abilities are renowned.

Cherishing the earthly realm and ALL BEINGS who live there.

Daddy King roars their tiger supremacy-- a warning to any enemy who stupidly infiltrates...who would IDIOTICALLY attempt to conquer the Peak.


Eye of the Tiger Lyrics

[Verse 1]
Rising up, back on the street
Did my time, took my chances
Went the distance, now I'm back on my feet
Just a man and his will to survive
So many times, it happens too fast
You trade your passion for glory
Don't lose your grip on the dreams of the past
You must fight just to keep them alive

It's the eye of the tiger
It's the thrill of the fight
Rising up to the challenge of our rival
And the last known survivor
Stalks his prey in the night

And he's watching us all
With the eye of the tiger
[Verse 2]
Face to face, out in the heat
Hanging tough, staying hungry
They stack the odds 'til we take to the street
For the kill with the skill to survive

It's the eye of the tiger
It's the thrill of the fight
Rising up to the challenge of our rival
And the last known survivor
Stalks his prey in the night

And he's watching us all
With the eye of the tiger

[Verse 3]
Rising up, straight to the top
Had the guts, got the glory
Went the distance, now I'm not gonna stop
Just a man and his will to survive

It's the eye of the tiger
It's the thrill of the fight
Rising up to the challenge of our rival
And the last known survivor
Stalks his prey in the night

And he's watching us all
With the eye of the tiger

Visiting their galactic homeworld, this tiger shifter family will return to the Peak. Fighting for freedom on Earth is vital to freeing other intergalactic realms currently under seige.

 When joy reigns as reality.

Friends are always treasured in this other galactic world.

Resting, rejuvenating in the harmonious luxury of Mother Nature.

  THE CRYSTALLINE TIGRESS-- from a crystal dimension she now lives and loves in Wolf Peak She stalks the unseen realms discovering and often destroying those who would deny freedom for ALL.

Her treasured mate, always ready to leap and rescue her, he also keeps the crystalline tigress anchored to the Earth material plane.

A shapeshifter from an inner Earth mountainous realm, this warrioress big cat jumps with magnicent ease capturing the unfriendlies. Surrender or die.

Her human form, she's just as strong and deadly.

 One of Wolf Peak's most ferocious Guardians, he trains the young ones in how to use the dimensional ethers.!d

Tame My Tiger
T. Rex
Sister sister
Won't you tame my tiger
Sister sister
Won't you tame my tiger
Won't you give me your love
Real wild
Mister mister
Won't you join my priestess
Mister mister
Won't you join my priestess
If you do my love I'm yours
Baby lady
Won't you tame my tiger
Baby lady
Won't you tame my tiger
Won't you give me your love
Right now
Baby baby won't you tame my tiger

Tiger Man Lyrics 

Elvis Presley

I am the king of the jungle
They call me Tiger Man
I am the king of the jungle
They call me Tiger Man
If you cross my path
You take your own life in your hands

Yeah, I get up on a mountain
And I call my bear cat back
Yeah, I get up on a mountain
And I call my bear cat back
My bear cat comes running
And the hound dogs they stay way back
Way back, way back, way back
Trace their way back
Yeah, well, I get up on a mountain
And I call my bear cat back
Yeah, well, I get up on a mountain
And I call my bear cat back
My bear cat comes running
But the hound dogs trace their way back
Way back, way back, way back

Yeah, well, I get up on a mountain
And I call my bear cat back
Yeah, well, I get up on a mountain
And I call my bear cat back
But the hound dogs trace their way back
Way back, way back, way back

Tiger Shapeshifter Warrior on duty-- One of the Sherrifs in the Peak-- he is on alert keeping the peace.

From an era before Noah, she and her tiger companion join the other Angels and Angel hybrids protecting everyone in Wolf Peak Territory. They often patrol the skies. Nowadays they also battle those who would sexualize, prey upon the children of the world.

Painting of love, tiger and his tiger angel, yes, they are shifters. Done by one of the Peak's many incredible artists.

White tigress humanoid, her pinup picture. She dances at one of several rowdy discotheques inside the Interspecies Pleasure Club. Using her brainy side, she also works with the cyber secure team.

 Water Tiger on the eternal hunt for the dark evil ones...

Tigre de agua, cuadro original, Óleo sobre Lienzo, comprar cuadros

His brother... they often work as a team.

The loving heart of the tiger.

Combatants in the Peak's infamous fight arena, they are a savage team when attacking the enemy hordes often deployed against Wolf Peak-- when battling against the current 1984 HELLSCAPE.

Cheered when seen in public, ihe tigress muscle car that prowls and growls through Wolf Peak.

The Big Cat Alliance in Wolf Peak.

Wishing you love and passion on the wild side ~

Run on the Wild Side of Romance  


Savanna Kougar