Most beloved ShapeShifter Lovers!
Real Thanksgiving Roars! Ferocious howls, yowls, and growls... also lots of winter-coming cuddles... or live like a beaver.
The 2023 Full Beaver Moon is Here.
Tuesday, November 27.
Originally posted at ShapeShifter Seduction
to finish our winter lodges beneath the moon's spectacular radiance...
time to fortify our dens against the season's invading, knifing cold...
yes, time to get seriously and sweetly cozy, my friends... don't delay,
stockpile nutritious, sustaining foods... also, lay in a supply of yummy
goodies to feast upon... bring out the thick lovely blankets and
snuggle while the winds howl, while the snows wildly swirl forming huge
deep drifts that can bury a moose.
Or hunker bunker down. This is the beginning of the Pagan New Year. It's gonna be wild and woolly, wayward and wondrous, wicked and weird in the extreme... with a whirlwind of wingnuts on the rampage who want to ravage the world into endless compliance, to complete obedience.
Beware. Take Care. And Prepare Like a Beaver.
Caressed By Moonbeams, How Cute Is This Beaver?
The Spiritual Meaning of the Beaver Moon
The Beaver Moon encapsulates a unique sense of withdrawal, akin to the instinctive act of tucking in and snuggling down to wait out the impending cold. Energetically, this lunar phase becomes a poignant juncture—a time to begin the deliberate collection of resources and the settling down for the winter season. Much like the beavers constructing their lodges for protection, this period encourages us to create our metaphorical sanctuaries, preserving our energies and fortifying ourselves for the colder months.
In essence, the Beaver Moon carries a dual symbolism—one that harks back to ancient traditions tied to sustenance and survival through hunting and another that resonates with the instinctive pull to withdraw, snuggle down, and conserve resources in harmony with the natural rhythm of the changing seasons.
Real Thanksgiving Roars!
it was revealed by Robert Morningstar on his Sunday show at that Thanksgiving Day was changed this year from it's
true date... no, this coming Thursday is the real date. How about that?
Too bad, I won't discuss the reason here because it's considered to be a (HELP) dreaded conspiracy theory.
Nevertheless, this is a freakin' good opportunity for me, for Wolf Peak Territory.
Real Thanksgiving Greeting-Roars! to one and ALL.
was delicious... naw, this feather was a gift from the One Great
Spirit, floating onto my forest path. I am a Shaman Shapeshifter. My
intrepid team and I patrol the borderlands. Roars, the Peak must be
protected at all fierce-costs. Forever.
infamous TURKLES of Wolf Peak, a shopping trip into the rural quaint
town of Moonrise Lake. Gobble, gobble, they have a grand and enormous
family to feed.
and Pa Turkle pass many a working organic farm and ranch. The Peak is
dotted with more and more such wonderful food-producing families. For,
they are enthusiastically welcomed.
Golden Unicorn Princess... She Adores the Children and Offers Loving Divine Guidance... plus lots of meadow-galloping rides.
Dante, the alpha wolf-shifter leader, dreamed of his future realm while
traveling the world on his badass motorcycle .,. while he mourned his
unrequited love, Kitty.
This is not Kitty, but a good white-witch friend of hers. Yes, she contributes to the Circle of Witches.
Great Grandfather Turkle... Shortly Before Traveling West to the Wilds of Montana.
The Turkles on their usual stroll through the surrounding...
gorgeous and bountiful farmlands of Wolf Peak.
The Gathered Feasts...
Enjoyed by the lustily procreating, field-romping Rabbit Clans...
indeed, their Hare Shaman vanquishes the predator-bad dragons.
home one of the ginormous pumpkins found in the Peak. Someone has a big
hankerin' for lots of punkin pies... and the toasted seeds are darn
tasty too... not to mention they're good for man parts.
Peak Wych With Her Raven Familiar Celebrating the Pagan New Year in the
Grandeur of the Late Autumn Woods... All good and powerful Beings are
Welcomed to the Peak Community.
Harvest Celebration at One of the Family Farms Owned By Equine Shapeshifters, a Draft Breed of Percheron.
The Turkles Visit the Farm In their Wild Turkey Form.
the Castle's Fall Feasting and the Entertaining Medieval Games She
Walks the Peaceful Prairie Solitude With Her Favorite Horse... All is
Pumpkin-Loaded... Vintage Pickups Are a Huge Favorite In the Farmlands. Small Froggie Shifters Abound and Bound About Freely, Happily. Yes, a few Transform Into Prince Charming.
Not Waiting For a Prince Charming... Loving Herself and Enjoying the Autumn Beauty of Mother Nature.
An old-fashioned farm house and barn, a relic found near the Wolf Peak town of Sunrise Prairie. It was lovingly restored by Amish Mule Shapeshifters.
With One of the Enchanted Fae at Her Cottage In the Deep Magical
Forests of the Peak. She is Adored by One and All, Leading Herb Foraging
Come Hither, For Gratitude Is Smiled Upon By the Divine Creator.
Small Beautiful Fae -- Many Tribes Live and Joyfully Thrive In the
Peak. They Teach the Children About Mother Earth's Ever-Abundance while
Spiritually Watching Over Them.
Children Always Visit the Wild Turkey Wisdom Teacher. He Embraces Their
Open Hearts, Nourishes Their Ferocious Curiosity. And Loves It When
They Stroke His Feathers as If He Were a Favored Pet.
A Thanksgiving Card Given to the Turkey Wisdom Teacher.
Love From the Fae Goddess. One of Wolf Peak's Top Leaders, Dante Relies On Her Mystical Heavenly Guidance.
Small Portrait of Dante, Founder and Alpha Wolf Leader of Wolf Peak.
and his Mate, Kitty -- Their Twin sons -- Go Walking and Running With
the Turkle Clan. They Often Wrestle With Each Other. Feathers and Fur
Fly... but no real harm is ever done.
Dante 'shifting' to his warrior-face. An attacking foe lurks.
Foe: AI-Built and Bred In One of Several Secret Chicom Labs...
Absolutely, Any Weaponized Beast To Destroy Wolf Peak, a Domain of
Fierce Freedom, of Rebellious Strength Against Psychotic Worldwide Tyranny.
All, the Sacred and Wholesome Goodness of the Peak's Diverse Families,
the Vitality of their Growing Indomitable Culture... Must Be Protected,
Preserved For the Sake of ALL in the Galaxy.
Kitty Sneaks Up On Her Mouse Friend... just for some chasing-fun before chowing down on a lavish Thanksgiving Dinner.
Welcome to Wolf Peak, My Friend. It's been a Kali Yuga Age since we lustily dined and drank at our Harvest-filled table, then reminisced for a long night before the great fire-burning hearth.
Remember, my dearest friend, When Our Dragons and Turkeys Roamed the Family Estate Lands, Frolicking Like the Older Toddlers.
yes indeed... The Days of Delightful Travel, of Overseeing Our Fertile
Green Countryside... Nothing More Magnificent and Rewarding, my robust
monster friend...
and Recall Our Gypsy Raccoon, my little monk friend... She could
pickpocket the most talented thief, relieving him of his prized hidden
lives here now, my winter-hairy friend... With a Raccoon Shapeshifter
clan-family. Romance is in the crisp Autumn Air for our Gypsy, I tell
of, my hood-hiding friend, I have had the lucky fortune to scout out a
little ranch homestead here, which is owned by benevolent Tuatha de
Danann High Elves. They wish for me to join them.. you know, employ my
set of specialized skills.
A Perfect Placement, I Will Say. If You Still Abide Our Friendship My Presence Is Welcome There. For, We Share Archery Training and Such Amusements.
Pet Dog Puritans of the Peak, shapeshifters who own an old-fashioned
General Store in the town of Green Buffalo -- much appreciated by the
local population, especially the surrounding ranch owners.
One of the shop's Thanksgiving quaint homey displays.
shop kitten... she found her way to the backdoor, racing inside when
the door opened for a delivery. Who could refuse this cutie?
Already at home in the shop, her Blue Feline Alien companion likes posing for the customers... they are slowly becoming allies.
Mr. Shapeshifter Shar Pei joins the staff at the General Store for the Christmas Season.
Bringing their precious farm produce to trade for Goods at the General Store. This is an 'American and Wolf Peak Territory' very cherished tradition. Growing food is always highly encouraged.
He Guards the Produce Anticipating His Doggie Biscuit Reward.
This large KittyKat ranch family owns the Cattleman Grub shop in Green Buffalo. Business is booming as many stock up on meat products. No one buys the current elite-idiotic narrative. Not with the overwhelming abundance available in the Peak.
Grateful for herds of grass-fed beef...
Dinner is about to be served...
I am here. We can begin. I decree it so. By Divine Favor, You may begin the feasting.
Done being a Harvest decoration... when do we dig in and yum-yum licking-clean our plates?
too... when do we devour the Thanksgiving feast? I add the crispy
morsels with my internal flamethrower... enjoy a piece or two... my
Patience Is a Virtue... I Get the Turkey Giblets.
Your Baby Dragon to the Harvest Thankagiving Festival at One of Several
Mountain Castles. They Were Created So Very Long Ago... Before and
During the Tartarian Age.
Warrioress and Her Battle Dragon Are Attending the Opulent and
Medieval-Dancing Festival As Well. She is Training Him to Be a Superb
Dance Partner. Yes, He is More Than Willing.
Mistress of the Castle Manor and the First Dance, She is Adored as a Matchmaker in the Wolf Peak Community.
As the Daughter of an Immortal Viking Queen She Helps Raise the Castle Dragons -- following in the ancient revered tradition.
Castle's Watcher Owl... he observes every dimension, all the Myriad
Beings and Creatures... those who can enter, those who cannot...
Castle's Druid Cat Shaman... yes, he's made a small fortune selling his
image as magical whimsy... however, good earthly fortune is always
attached... a way of gifting to humans.
Harvest Wreathes On Many a Peak Door...
The Majesty of Stags, an inspiration to the Spirit... the true wealth of living in Wolf Peak.
As are the invaluable working ranches...
The old-time cowboy life suits many a soul, heart, and spirit...
Super Cowgirl, she lives her dream. For real. Don't Mess With Texas
Sassy. She is a dead shot. If you are a bad guy endangering anyone in
Wolf Peak, well hell, your balls are in grave danger. And do not even
think of stealing her Turkey dinner.
Final Harvest From the Peak's Hay Fields...
Winter Snows Blanket the Resting and Sleeping Lands... When Mother
Earth Dreams of Springtime Flowers, of Sunny Yellow Daffodils Waving in
the Warm Breezes...
Remembering the Family Thanksgiving Dinner... Once Upon a Time this Was a Good Thing... what happened?
I have a dream that my four little children will one day live in a nation where they will not be judged by the color of their skin but by the content of their character.
During Sunday’s broadcast Holden A. from California, a Native of the Chumash Tribe. His Grandfather is on the Chumash Tribe board up in Santa Ynez. This is his family at Super Bowl LVII. Everyone is making a massive deal out of this, only trying to show one side of his face to push their narrative. Real Kansas City Chiefs Fans Salute You Holden And Your Family.
asking, do we get to live in Camelot? For Real.
Wishing you love and passion on the wild side ~

Savanna Kougar