by Serena
Ziva’d been back to work for a couple of days now, but still she growled at each of her fellow employees. She half hoped her warning went unheeded, and they’d continue to ask her what happened. She wasn’t herself and this need for comforting was confusing her. Unfortunately, her growl still packed a punch and most veered away, letting her get to her office in relative peace.
Only a few braved her warning, but Nick, who kept pace behind her like the secret service, warded them off before she could taste their blood, or more to the point, wept into their shoulders.
Halloween snuggles, darling kittens ALL, may you enjoy the witchy season however you celebrate.
Authoress news and mews ~
Okay then, the Kougar has gotten a bit done on Chapter Forty-three of WAITING FOR A FILLY GIRL, her ShapeShifter Seductions WIP... In this chapter Dante has a mission for the heroine and hero, Keina and Drev... and for the secondary characters, Dugger and Symone... Dugger is a downunder dingo shifter, and Symone is from a parallel Earth.. . she's an aerial-platform sharpshooter. As a team, they must help save Talbot's Peak territory from a sky invasion of drones.

Savanna Kougar ~ Run on the Wild Side of Romance