Exploring the Full Pink Moon
April’s full moon is called the pink full moon, but if not handled correctly, it could be red hot, as it comes with the potential for some drama and fireworks. Happening in dual sign Libra, it will give us two options, and it will be crucial that we take the correct one for us right now.
Acting as Pandora’s box for feelings, this full moon will activate Wounded Healer Chiron, meaning that we will have to tread carefully and accept accountability for our actions. Are you ready? Luckily, Mercury and Saturn will be cooperating, helping us make the right decisions. The Lunar Nodes of Destiny will also be active during this astrological event, encouraging pragmatic decision-making in matters of the heart.
Howls, Yowls, Growls and 'No Scowls or Big Scowls' ShapeShifter Lovers!
So, I'm strategizing how to write and publish again... a lot of stuckness in my life now. Although, so far, no problem with being creative and there's a never ending supply of WIPs.
Hope you enjoy the Easter time pictorial.
An Enchanting Easter, the Loving Invitation from ALL in Wolf Peak Territory... To All...
Kashmere Silky on her homeworld...
Currently Visiting the Peak for the Earth Easter Season...
Honoring the Sacred Fertility of the Great Rabbit Goddess...
Rainbow-shimmering Easter Eggs, a gift from the Goddess Ostara
Easter Egg Art Displayed at the Peak's Pink Moon Faire
She Loves Entertaining the Children at the Fun Faire, showing off her pastel-shining colors.
Bunny Shapeshifter Communing with the Nurturing Mother Moon
Shamaness Cherishing the Peak's New Life, feeling the resurrecting abundance of love...
Vintage Easter Fun, delivering the gift eggs...
Basking in Generous Rabbit Hugs... yes, a time of AWAKENING CREATIVITY...
Vintage. Artist-Coloring of the Easter Egg for his mate...
Vintage, birthing the Great Mythical Easter Bunny...
Vintage, the Blooming Beauty of Easter Revealed...
The Endless Joys of Being an EASTER Bunny...
Snow covering mountaintops in Wolf Peak... bunnies at play in the
beautiful glow of the aurora borealis, and beneath the Pink Moon...
Vintage Easter, boating with friends on a lovely day... what could be better?
Vintage Angel floating among the gorgeous Easter Blooms...
Touch one colored egg, one Easter basket, meet Mr. Viking Battle Axe...
Vintage Easter Bunny, I'm on my way. Never doubt.
The Regenerative Greening Earth Where Bunnies and Butterflies Romp Together
Vintage, the Rabbit Races Delightfully Entertain One and All
Vintage Chick Couple in Their Antique General Store
Delightful Flight of the Easter Egg Balloons
Easter Birth of a Beloved Baby Dragon, another playmate for the kidlets in Wolf Peak
Vintage, Row, Row Your Easter Basket Merrily Down the Stream...
Rabbit SteamPunk Warrioress Visiting Wolf Peak from a Neighboring Dimension... she is enjoying the festivities...
Rare Lavender Baby Bunnies Frolic in the Meadow Bathed by the Pink Moonbeams
Bear Spirit Shifter with
His Celtic Wise Woman Mate... happily decorated eggs, the fertility of
Queen Rabbit -- in a field of breeze-caressed daffodils... oh, the
loving euphoria of Easter time.
The Celtic Rabbit of Life Renewed Upon our Heavenly Spinning Earth
Once Upon a Time... The ancient Battle to reestablish, resurrect sacred LIFE on planet Earth... we won.
....the Moon Rabbit, is a
rabbit that lives on the moon. In Chinese folklore, it is often
portrayed as a companion of the moon goddess Chang'e, constantly
pounding the elixir of life for her. Who is the goddess of rabbits?
the tale is that Ostara,
the ancient Germanic goddess of the spring, transformed a bird into a
hare, and the hare responded by laying colored eggs for her festival.
Some online sources, such as Goddess Gift, claim this story is very old
From Bird to Hare... the transformation of Spirit During our Season of Easter
Many of the symbols of Ostara have roots in other traditions, and the use of rabbits and hares is one such example. In medieval times in Europe, the March hare was seen as a fertility symbol, and a sign of spring. This species of rabbit is nocturnal most of the year, but in March, it is mating season for the animal.
Tartaria, For the Love of Gaia, Celebrating the Rejuvenation of Third-Dimension Designed Life...
Tartarian Unicorn... the Dance of Ecstasy
You Imagine Living With This Majestic Unicorn Beauty in Advanced-tech
Tartaria? ... this culture was destroyed by the jealous rage of alien
gods gone berserk...
Or living with this Loving Magnificent Unicorn... she is a wonderful healer of many ailments...
The Pure Sweet Intoxication of Living in Tartaria... once upon a time...
The Pet Dragons of Tartary Before the Great P[asma-War Destruction -- Orchestrated by the Black-heart Controllers...
Dragon Easter Eggs in Wolf Peak...
Easter Field of Dreams, the Revitalizing Enchantment -- where Unicorns in the Peak Gather..
Riding the Wildlands of Wolf Peak Beneath the Magnificent Moonlight ,
She Flies Within Her Soul... Her Heart Soars... She is Free to Be...
The Tartary Remnant Population Living in the Castle Mountains, Hidden within Wolf Peak Territory
Shapeshifter Stallion Galloping to Meet His Priestess Lover at an Easter Meadow Gathering...
Greeting, Soaring the Sunrise, Easter Day Skies... oh, the sweet sacred exhilaration...
The Resurrection Triumph... Good Transcends Evil Leaping Into the Brave and Bold-Loving Future of Life on Earth, and Charging Upward Into the Challenging Grandeur that is Our Starry Cosmos...
Wishing you love and passion on the wild side ~

Savanna Kougar
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