Howls and Yowls, ShapeShifter Lovers.
In honor of Memorial Day. All those who fight and give their lives for FREEDOM are venerated, cherished -- and always held in the highest esteem by the those who live in Wolf Peak Territory.
The battle to keep the Peak territory free, protected from the most brutal of enemies is ongoing. Warriors, warrioresses constantly patrol and train to defeat every despicable invader, every vile enemy force. Howls and yowls, these darkside forces would slaughter everyone in the Peak, including the human population.
Given rapidly healing shapeshifters, supernaturals of every type, and immortal beings populate Wolf Peak ... the loss of life is rarely an issue. Mostly, that is.
For those Peakites who are viciously wounded, and for those who are more flesh-vulnerable, there are shaman healers. There is a veritable army of witch, angelic, and psychic healers ready to take care of anyone and everyone. Also, the most advanced resurrection technologies are available.
In Wolf Peak Territory life is considered sacred. Yes, All who live in the Peak are considered to be Divine, and absolutely essential.

Okay, yummy goodness was enjoyed by ALL.

An Authoress update: Yes, since I seem to have a bit more time and energy in recent days, I am writing again. *knock on wood* it continues.
This particular story is an erotic romance set in Wolf Peak Territory, close to the new town of Sunrise Prairie. Part of the working title is His Sassy Woman.
The hero is an older rancher who runs an enormous ranching operation focused on breeding, raising, and training the best of the best working horses.
He is known as Big D because of his quite large physique, and his larger than large influence. That is, his excellent and compassionate leadership in that area of the Peak.
My heroine is new to Wolf Peak. Sondi lost her job as a horse communicator and caretaker at a dude ranch because of the virus shutdown.
Big D needs someone with her specialized abilities to help with his precious horses. He's now leading a project crucial to the Peak's food supply lines. This means forming more alliances with those living outside the Peak, an arrangement that assists them in producing and distributing more food, as well.
Here is a pic of Big D's very prized gold-colored 1971 Mustang. When she first sees it, Sondi is immediately enamored with his muscle car.
In honor of Memorial Day. All those who fight and give their lives for FREEDOM are venerated, cherished -- and always held in the highest esteem by the those who live in Wolf Peak Territory.
The battle to keep the Peak territory free, protected from the most brutal of enemies is ongoing. Warriors, warrioresses constantly patrol and train to defeat every despicable invader, every vile enemy force. Howls and yowls, these darkside forces would slaughter everyone in the Peak, including the human population.
Given rapidly healing shapeshifters, supernaturals of every type, and immortal beings populate Wolf Peak ... the loss of life is rarely an issue. Mostly, that is.
For those Peakites who are viciously wounded, and for those who are more flesh-vulnerable, there are shaman healers. There is a veritable army of witch, angelic, and psychic healers ready to take care of anyone and everyone. Also, the most advanced resurrection technologies are available.
In Wolf Peak Territory life is considered sacred. Yes, All who live in the Peak are considered to be Divine, and absolutely essential.

Okay, yummy goodness was enjoyed by ALL.

An Authoress update: Yes, since I seem to have a bit more time and energy in recent days, I am writing again. *knock on wood* it continues.
This particular story is an erotic romance set in Wolf Peak Territory, close to the new town of Sunrise Prairie. Part of the working title is His Sassy Woman.
The hero is an older rancher who runs an enormous ranching operation focused on breeding, raising, and training the best of the best working horses.
He is known as Big D because of his quite large physique, and his larger than large influence. That is, his excellent and compassionate leadership in that area of the Peak.
My heroine is new to Wolf Peak. Sondi lost her job as a horse communicator and caretaker at a dude ranch because of the virus shutdown.
Big D needs someone with her specialized abilities to help with his precious horses. He's now leading a project crucial to the Peak's food supply lines. This means forming more alliances with those living outside the Peak, an arrangement that assists them in producing and distributing more food, as well.
Here is a pic of Big D's very prized gold-colored 1971 Mustang. When she first sees it, Sondi is immediately enamored with his muscle car.
"Mustang Sally? Is that her name?" She'd spoke teasingly. Not seriously.
His grin spread from large-boned cheek to large-boned cheek. "The Wilson Pickett song. Nope. That was 1989 as I recall, Sondi."
"Does she have a name?" Oh gawd, why did I ask? It sounds silly, childish, materialistic.
He smiled bigger, his eyes smiling. "Molly. Molly, the Magnificent Mustang."
What was she doing, leaning back, acting like a hood ornament. Help! Like one of those sexy pinup models. Sondi straightened fast, folding her arms.
"Mustang Sally? Is that her name?" She'd spoke teasingly. Not seriously.
His grin spread from large-boned cheek to large-boned cheek. "The Wilson Pickett song. Nope. That was 1989 as I recall, Sondi."
"Does she have a name?" Oh gawd, why did I ask? It sounds silly, childish, materialistic.
He smiled bigger, his eyes smiling. "Molly. Molly, the Magnificent Mustang."
What was she doing, leaning back, acting like a hood ornament. Help! Like one of those sexy pinup models. Sondi straightened fast, folding her arms.
Okay then, I was planning on writing this blog, Canines Versus Felines, the Friendly Rivalry. However, I got behind as usual, and this will likely be my next post.
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