Originally posted on ShapeShifter Seduction
May Howls, Yowls, Growls From Mothers of Wolf Peak, ShapeShifter Lovers!
Starving Babies in the USA. in our America, what the hell! Wolf Peakite volunteers to the rescue... of course. First. though...
Kymbra and Dangerous discuss...
"The name is Dangrok Zromu Vinnh." He attempted what he hoped was a reassuring and friendly grin before saying, "Dangerous is my nickname."
raised a cynical brow. "You do look dangerous...unlike...when was it at
the thrift shop?" Eyes like blue-diamond razor blades regarded him.
Would you like a nutrition-dense chocolate malt?" Dangerous held up the
tall frosty glass direct from the Peak's beloved Creamery shop.
"Nutrition-dense, huh. Am I allowed to sit up now?"
Her sarcasm amused him. Holding out the glass, Dangerous gave a nod.
"What the heck, it's a good day to die." She took hold of the glass, then stared at her legs, scanned her body. ''Why am I in this emerald colored catsuit?"
"It helps the healing process."
After a moment of thought, she gave him the stink eye, an ancestral reaction. "Is this a military MIB base?"
you mean what's called a DUMB?" Dangerous kept his tone conversational.
"No," he answered her affirming nod. "You're in Wolf Peak Territory,
Montana, in our town of Moonrise Lake."
heard of it," she groused. Obviously hungry she grasped the straw
taking a long drink. "Heaven." The beautiful elder kept sipping. "Poison
or not, this is delicious."
"Lots of good herbal extracts like Sarsaparilla." He leaned forward into her personal space. She didn't object.
"Yes, I can taste that--use it a lot."
Howls, the elder smelled sensuously delicious. If he decided to court her much later, he realized it would be a long arduous trek.
"I assume you know my name," she threw at him, a hunter's speeding bullet.
"Kymbra." He paused focusing on her eyes, her soul. "Kymbra Sass, your online name. Kim Sandra Westerly."
but curious, unblinking, she regarded him. "Who are you. Really?" She
wiggled a bit. "You ain't no normal person," she affected like a
stereotypical redneck.
"Darlin', you wouldn't believe me if I told you."
She winced a little at the way he'd addressed her.
"Let's say, for right now, we're a large freedom community--a thriving strong community."
"Lots of guns?...a militia?"
Dangerous barked a big laugh. "No. Not a militia. But we got guns... a lot more, far more lethal weapons, even Tesla-tech style armaments." He gazed directly at her. "And we use them."
"Insurrection," she muttered softly. "Tesla tech, huh?" She shifted, facing him squarely.
"No. Not insurrection...darlin'," he intentionally addressed her.
Her brow furrowed. "Stop that."
Dangerous inwardly smiled, yip-yip-yep a wolfish grin. "Darlin'?" he asked as if he was an innocent cub.
"Yes, that... young-on'," the elder scowled.
"Yes, Tesla-weaponized for our protection. Want to learn how to use it?"
Her gaze, her face brightened as if sunlit. For a moment.
"I can make it happen, Kymbra," he solemnly promised.
"Bigwig guy, huh? This is crazy...you know." She shuddered.
Dangerous reached behind him opening the oven-like unit. He retrieved the bowl of hearty, specially made soup, then waved it beneath her nose. "Just for you."
With some reluctance, Kymbra wrapped her hands around the bowl. "It does smell good, bigwig."
"Dante runs this place. I'm proudly related to him." He handed her a spoon.
"Blood is thicker than water," she sardonically commented. "Tasty." She spoke after several spoonfuls. "What do you want with me...from me?"
"You're a powerful woman, Kymbra." He ignored her doubtful expression. "We want you to be part of our community."
Mother Goddess Power In Wolf Peak
Dangerous just said," Kitty, Dante's shapeshifter mate entered, quiet
as the feline she was, "we want you to join our community."
"And you are?" Kymbra set her bowl aside. Her gaze pinned Kitty. No mercy.
finish. My name is Kitty." She offered a large sweet smile. "I work
with our circle of good witches and psychics. We assist in the
protection of Wolf Peak Territory."
Kymbra ate the last few spoonfuls, then asked, "Sort of like remote viewing?"
"That is part of what we do." Kitty drew in an audible breath. ''We use all of our so-called 'woo' talents. It's how we found you, Kymbra."
"It's how I found you before the abduction attempt," Dangerous spoke up.
"Grays?" Kymbra trembled for several instants. Yet her gaze remained strong, the warrior woman inside of her.
"No, not in this case, dear elder. The black-heart cabal as you have labelled them in your blog posts." Kitty glanced at him. Dangerous gave a nod to continue given he was in charge of her healing. "There are many here who are fans--who want you here. Who wish to receive your wisdom."
She thought, considering Kitty's words. "I guess because of my advanced
age...my life experiences, so to speak." Kymbra grimaced at herself.
"Age does have it's advantages--one reason the new world cabal wants us
oldsters dead, dead, dead."
"Yes, absolutely. Our children need to know. They have been insulated from what is called the real world." Kitty swept her hand outward indicating the society beyond their boundaries.
"But that's not all, is it?" Kymbra rose to stand.
Wobbly, Dangerous leaped up catching her, steadying her.
"The second time...isn't it?" she murmured.
"We'll talk later," Kitty lightly gripped Kymbra's arm, "when your recovery is complete."
"Goddess energy." Awe owned Kymbra's voice. "Mother Goddess power. That's what you feel like."
"Speaking of, I have a feeling my twins require a firm hand." Kitty turned toward Dangerous with a grace he always admired. "Keep watching over our Celtae elder."
Still in his arms, Kymbra whispered, "Wow. I've never felt such strong spiritual energy. Twins?"
boys who run wild as wolves at times. Dante is their very loving
father. But he keeps them disciplined with bold fangs, as we say here."
Dangerous didn't want to let go of her. She wasn't resisting him either,
after howls all.
"Do you have a tribal wolf totem here, or something?" Suspicious, confused, Kymbra turned in his arms. "Are you Native American?"
he could answer, his sister's tone sounded. "Hold on, darlin.'"
Dangerous eased her onto the edge of the silvery mattress, then spoke
into his wrist device. "The mission, sis?"
"Successful. Babies saved. Organizing more volunteers. We need to set up milk banks, milk stations on the Peak's perimeter." Bettressa was in her leadership element.
"Go for it. You're the gal for the job."
"How's the elder?" Bettressa sincerely asked. That was his older sister.
'elder' is okay...it seems." Kymber defiantly folded her arms. "Thanks
for helping the babies. This is depraved immorality. All orchestrated
by those who hate humanity, the epic fools who serve them--who would
take away our God-given right to be free."
Bettressa hesitated. "Yes, our right to be free Beings. Welcome to Wolf Peak Territory. Signing off, brother."
"Later, sis."
"No starving babies here? In your community...I presume."
"No. Never. The mothers breast feed. When there's a problem the Mother Practitioners immediately help out--go to their aid."
Practitioners...what a good idea." Kymbra looked away, her shoulders
slumped. "Never had children...but you know that. It's a long, long
story. Never mind." She straightened. "I'm grateful...yeah, I don't have
to worry about them in this cruel crazy, not child-friendly world."
his words were not what she needed right now, Dangerous said nothing.
He waited, watching her closely, only looking away when the monitor
subtly flashed.
"Something wrong?" she asked, her gaze fastened on the monitor.
a heart tonic and a rest won't solve, Kymbra." Dangerous grinned.
Keeping his manner lighthearted, he touched his handy dandy wrist com.
there in a jiffy," the Medicine Shaman on duty assured. From an ancient
time, the man oddly enjoyed using current-day slang.
"See you in a jiff. Don't sniff," Dangerous bantered.
"Oh, that's cute. bigwig guy. CoQ10 and Hawthorn herb, do you have those health supplements here?"
"We'll get anything you want..." Dangerous halted his words as Kymbra's eyes widened and she popped upward.
"Bolshevik baby formula. It's a nefarious plot, a scheme." With an intensity that would have seared most, she shot her gaze at him.
the deepstate FDA monsters deliberately caused the formula shortage.
Shut down that factory. Why?" Kymbra arched her brows high. "So O'Bidden
could sign that bill or whatever it is...
"I have it, Kymbra." Dangerous read from his wrist device, "The President is invoking the Defense Production Act."
"Exactly. Meaning the deepstate now has total communist-like control over baby formula. Over America's babies."
The implications hit Dangerous like a sledge hammer. No, Thor's smashing omnipotent hammer.
the babies, control the parents, the mothers...or control the
population with scarcity. With exclusive control of formula production.
With digital-run rationing. With the chip..." Kymbra blew out an angry
breath. "You get the diabolical picture." Impatient, enraged, she
bounced on the mattress. "Hell, desperate people in Cali-commie-fornia
are turning in guns for gas."
Howls beneath the Goddess Moon, it was all too clear. "I do. I do, Kymbra. Yep, Problem. Reaction. Solution. The constant evil game plan of the Dark Enemy."
"How do we stop this crap?" she demanded, fierce as a mother bear.
Her anguish seared him, pained his heart. Growls, he was ready to charge, fangs bared.
Dangerous beckoned to the Quirkomon, as the Medicine Practitioner was known given his ancient name was difficult to pronounce.
stop it, most beloved woman," the Practitioner began in his operatic
voice, "by joining our Divine Self with the cosmic rise of the Earth
Mother, with the Sacred Feminine Force."
Half-way bowing with a flourish, Quirkomon presented the heart tonic to Kymbra.
She eyed him, taking his measure before sniffing the concoction, then drinking. "Hawthorn berries," she uttered. "Thank you."
He possessed Kymbra's full attention. Definitely. "Do tell, sir." She handed the container back to him.
To be continued... hopefully.
Wishing you love and passion on the wild side ~

Run on the Wild Side of Romance
Savanna Kougar
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