Originally posted on ShapeShifter Seduction
One Year later~Middle of May Yowls, Howls, and Growls, Shapeshifter Lovers!
Yeah, I'm still alive. It's been a beastly, sort of adventurous year of battling death in several different ways...not quite kicking fiercely yet.
However, I'm feeling the urge to write...
Still Alive, the Wolf Peak Rescue
hail the Great Wolf Dog, I've found her." Dangerous growled the words
low in his throat Given the hazards of his com device or telepathic
message being intercepted, he didn't inform Wolf Peak Central. Not yet.
a predator's stealthy grace he followed the human elder as she hobbled
inside the upscale thrift shop. Cane in hand, she concentrated on each
Kitty and her Witch's Circle were on sniffing-target. Even from this distance the Celtic-DNA woman reeked of many psi-powers, ones suppressed by the human race's generational ignorance, and by the Darkside Magicians assigned to keep her under their control.
constant diabolical attacks, the elder still lived. According to his
third eye, her stubborn will, her inner Spirit, the protection of the
One Divine, yip-yip-yep the elder mission-remained. Howls, in this time
of Revelation and revolutionary Decision on beloved Mother Earth.
Smiling like an idiot, Dangerous froze his features into a soy-boy disguise. He ambled after the woman enjoying her delicious yet fire-hot scent--who she was in the fifth dimension.
"Can I help you, young man?" Steely eyes peered at him over ubiquitous and sensible eyeglass frames.
"Kitchen utensils. I just moved into a new apartment. Wally World is so dull..." Dangerous fluttered his fingers, "so unremarkable."
"Last aisle on the right," the clerk dismissed him.
Aware of the young man entering behind her, Kymbra carefully balanced herself on the walking cane. She shuffled through the large size tee-shirts until she could part them enough to view him.
Hell yeah, strange things, weird events, scary crap had been happening--the last couple of months. at least. Kymbra grimaced. She trusted no one.
He appeared innocuous enough, normal enough, a metro sexual type, but with evidence of rippling muscles beneath his garish Hawaiian shirt. On the slim side, Kymbra 'ding ding' knew the man was 'tough as nails'. Yep, like the current-day cowboys competing in rodeos.
Who are you trying fool, buddy boy?
Determined to continue, Kymbra scowled and clamped her jaw shut. After all, she only had so much time to shop. It was a rare opportunity these damn days.
As she studied the selection of over-sized shirts, Kymbra tuned her ear for any suspicious sounds--the slightest movement toward her.
How fast can I move being a cripple? Come on... she mocked herself.
Splat! Something struck the old wood floor at her feet Kymbra shot her gaze downward. The smell of ozone seared her nostrils. Strong blue light blasted her eyes, then instantly became a thin beam.
In shock, somewhat blinded, Kymbra gripped the handle of the cane, but teetered backward. Abduction?
God no...
Arms like steel rods caught her, surrounded her, stopped her fall.
"Doc, you got me..." she heard.
"Beaming you aboard, wolfie," an odd but masculine voice responded.
"Where...?" Kymbra tried to move. Useless.
"Stay still," the man's voice soothed, urged. "This is a rescue."
Unable to croak a sound, weak, lightheaded, Kymbra sank against the man's ultra hard frame. Am I whirling? Whatever.... In the next instant she blacked out.
"All aboard," Blade Runner announced in his Bugs Bunny imitation. "Hey, junior wolf, you're crushing her against that iron like chest of yours. Let her breathe."
"Right." Dangerous loosened his grip some as he carried the precious elder toward the ship's Restoration chamber. He made certain the dome fully opened and the lights twinkled on before gently placing her on the silvery mattress.
"Status, bunny Captain?" he asked.
"Enemy dispatched to the outer rim of the solar system 'n spinning fast as a weaponized-comet top."
Dangerous grinned. "Thanks, Captain."
"Gotta take a 'circle back' route home. Space Force is sniffing at our tail. Hang on to your sharp fangs."
"Aye, aye, Captain bunny." Dangerous kept one eye on the ancient-Celtic elder, as she was known in their Wolf Peak world, and the other on the frequency readout.
While they seesaw-whipped through the skies, he adjusted the chamber's healing tones slowly and methodically ridding her of various toxins. Resurrection would be initiated later.
"You're gonna be gorgeous again. Youthful and gorgeous," he promised. Noting her stubborn nature, evident in her energy field, Dangerous added."Howls by the Wolf God, whether you like it or not."
Like Father Sun after a thunderstorm's rage, his grin broke through the clouds of his soul.
Lost in a foggy chaotic dreamscape, Kymbra gradually became aware of the soft cloud holding her. So soft.
She luxuriated, clinging to the sheer pleasure. For years she'd been tired, often dragging herself from day to day.
No, I don't want to open my eyes.
packed up. Ready to deliver baby formula." The determination of the
woman's voice impacted Kymbra, a big jolt from the heaven's above.
"Keep in contact, sis. Promise."
Love yet serious concern in his tone, and also command, Kymbra recognized the man who... what? What happened to me?
"Your elder is awakening. I'm outta here."
"Yeah, when I need you--the woman to woman thing," he teased.
"The babies need me, my team, more," his sister flippantly threw back.
What is that distinctive accent? Kymbra heard sis's departing footsteps. Babies... the memory hit like the damn glare of a big-screen plasma TV. Hate those things.
Kymbra's eyes popped open. Diffused violet-tinted light haloed the man's face, seemed to heal her eyes.
his handsome, hard-defined features, she blurted out, "I know who is
hoarding the baby formula. It's them. They have to feed it to our dear
leader, the sleeping O'Bidden."
Intense eyes, the aqua color of the Caribbean sea at dusk entered her soul--a gentle penetration. "Sleeping?" he asked after a pause.
know that creepy incubator thing they put him in...the high-tech drugs
they keep him on...only baby formula works for his, his intestines, his
gut, what's left of it."
He gave a thoughtful nod before saying, "I think I'm seeing what you are. The rotting zombie under glass."
"Who are you? Where the heck am I? What's going on?" Kymbra demanded, moving to sit up.
"Easy there, woman." He placed a calming hand on her shoulder. "A bit more healing time is required."
Given his sincere kind voice, Kymbra obeyed. "Healing?" she snapped. "How is it you can see what I see before my mind's eye? Are you a Borg creepazoid? Did you put a chip in me?"
To be continued... hopefully.
Wishing you love and passion on the wild side ~

Run on the Wild Side of Romance
Savanna Kougar
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