Sunday, December 15, 2013

...nature devotee and author, Tamarack Song...

Late Sunday morning mews, holiday-glittering KitKats... a bit milder temps on the tame prairie, and the sun is shining... this Big Cat just can't get over how glaringly bright Sol is, shortly after rising in the east, and shortly before setting in the west... and all day, of course... it is just really, really weird. 
Another fast-forward week, darling kittens, with likely some big event most of us don't want. And don't need. Remember, this Big Cat loves ya!

Authoress news and mews ~

A big yep, on lots of formatting done on *His Claimed Bride, Happy New Year On Another Earth*... the Kougar's flash-scene novel.

Lots of reader giveaways at “12 Days of Christmas ~ BookRhythm Style”

AND DON'T FORGET! The Kougar's ebook, SANTA BABY, SEVERAL STARS AWAY, will be featured on December 15th. Today~ Wanna win an ecopy?

A CHRISTMAS EVENT FOR READERS at the “12 Days of Christmas ~ BookRhythm Style”.  

Here's the link to the event on Facebook. ~

Diane Schroder
Co-Owner, BookRhythm, LLC

Shapeshifter lovers and writers, this is beyond priceless knowledge... 

A relationship with nature... what we need in these times... nature devotee and author, Tamarack Song, has one of those messages that is absolutely vital for these times... what he has experienced and learned, then speaks about, fills a large hole in the soul... and is an AWARENESS whose time has come.


 Friday December 13, 2013  
Nature Seen Fresh, through the Mind of The Tracker

Most of us have drifted far from the embrace of nature, but not everybody, and Tamarack Song is one of those people who has found the truth path of consciousness that is on offer everywhere in the natural world. This week on Dreamland, we join him on a journey through the forest, learning about its secrets and the powerful reconnection to ourselves that is on offer.

No matter how far from our roots as natural beings we may go, we never leave the embrace of nature, or the justice of its balance. Tamarack Song is a true seeker, a man who has learned nature's way of 'thinking without thought,' and found in the secrets of the forest, the secrets also of the human spirit.

Tamarack Song's website is


Wishing you romance on the wild side… 

Kisses, Savanna Kougar

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