Monday, December 23, 2013

Silent Night...


Christmas eve mews, holiday-sparkling Big Cat Beauties... cold! on the tame prairie... at least, the thin layer of snow is over the ice making traction possible... yeah, the Kougaress had an outdoor adventure she didn't want, that's for sure! ... anyhoo, the day before she watched an adorable male cardinal... who was all fluffed up... gradually test out the dried up stalks of a large poke that still has berries on it... well, he hops and looks and tests... until finally he grabs one of the berries by doing this amazing, quick-flight maneuver... now that was a gift to observe.

Holiday happiness to you and yours, darling kittens. Stay safe and warm. 'Cause this Big Cat loves ya!

Authoress news and mews ~

So, the Kougar finally, finally got her cover art images emailed for her flash-scene novel,  *His Claimed Bride, Happy New Year On Another Earth*. One photo she purchased was simply too large to be emailed... but this Big Cat author didn't know that... yeah, live and learn. ~ack!!!~

Also, the Kougar stopped the distribution of her books to Scibd via Smashwords. That whole deal just doesn't make sense, and so many authors consider Scribd to be a piracy site.


Silent Night
by Pat Cunningham

Porker peered out the bedroom window for what must have been the dozenth time that evening. “Are you s-s-sure your f-f-folks w-w-won’t be back?”

Mary tugged him away from the window and back to the bed. She’d already explained, in signing and writing, that they had the house to themselves. Yes, Vern McMahon had happily abandoned his bachelor apartment and moved into the rural Ewing home when he’d married Elly. But tonight, Christmas Eve, they were down in Talbot’s Peak sharing the holiday with Mooney and Marissa and the grandpups. They wouldn’t be home until well after Loki and Thor had made a thorough mess of the living room ripping into their gifts on Christmas morning.

Porker glanced at the window again. “Your b-b-b-brothers—”


Wishing you romance on the wild side… 

Kisses, Savanna Kougar

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