Tuesday, December 3, 2013

RED LIONESS TAMED is now live at Amazon...

Arrrh, Matey featured at SHAPESHIFTER SEDUCTIONS on Monday. Who doesn't love a swashbuckling pirate? The Kougar so wishes she had time to pen an erotic pirate romance, on the paranormal side, of course. 

Nighttime mews, frisky and fabulous Big Cat Beauties... fairly mild on the tame prairie today... there was a dense morning fog again, and some raindrops... then the murky blue skies were overhead... and later chemtrails caused the sky to become a gray-white mess.

Take care and beware, darling kittens, lots of heavy stuff coming down around us. Remember, this Big Cat loves ya!

Authoress news and mews ~

RED LIONESS TAMED is now live at Amazon ~ http://www.amazon.com/dp/B00H173SOU~

Okay, the Kougar finally managed to get better formats of EPUB and MOBI, so hopefully, uploading to All Romance Ebooks will happen soon. ~tech-challenged sighs~


The Kougar needs to pen her Tuesday flash scene for SHAPESHIFTER SEDUCTIONS... and she has no real clue what to write???


Arrrh, Matey
by Pat Cunningham

Evie watched the two boys giggle and whisper and nudge each other at the library computer long enough to determine they weren’t trying to access porn before she sauntered over. Today was a slow day for both her and the library—sunny, warm for December but still brisk enough to get the blood pumping. If she hadn’t been on duty she’d be outside herself. Whatever had two shifter boys of squirrel-chasing age huddled in front of a computer screen instead of out running through the woods must be pretty darn interesting. She put on her adult face and went to take a look.



HEADLINE ~stevequayle.com~ Whale Expert near Vancouver: In 30 years I’ve never ever seen this kind of behavior, 'They must sense this is a safe place to be' — Captain: I’ve never seen anything like it in 50 years on Pacific — 'One even placed its head on the boat' (VIDEO)


Wishing you romance on the wild side… 

Kisses, Savanna Kougar

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