by Pat Cunningham
Just another couple days, I swear. I've decided to move my posting day to Thursday. It fits better with my freelancing schedule. My next post is already in the planning stages and I will be back, promise. See you then!
Authoress news and mews ~
So, my carnal cherub hero, Volcano, who stars in WHEN A GOOD ANGEL FALLS... between the two of us, we have decided to drastically shorten and make big changes to the WEEKLY ANGELIC FORECAST... this is for several reasons... one, what is *really* happening in the world has become way too extreme-insane-enormous — and on the bizarre-paranormal side — to cover, or beyond the scope of the forecast... not to mention ALL that is happening has become supercalifragilistic expalidocious to the point it is mainly unbelievable for most folks to understand, let alone assimilate, and utilize... the overall population, sad to say, has been dumbed down, and kept in the dark for so long, the gap of understanding is just too ginormous... further, this Big Cat has caretaking duties which limit her time severely... thus, she will attempt to utilize her precious time for authorly projects, such as actually writing more... hopefully!!! But who knows? In this unstable, cliff-hanging world... still, the Kougar wants to write erotic romances where the worlds are a vision of what could be for humanoid races, shifters included of course — the beauty, the art, the love, the soul-fierceness and goodness of life that could be...

Savanna Kougar ~ Run on the Wild Side of Romance
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