Friday, December 5, 2014

Just Another Author-Busy Day

After midnight mews, fascinating and ferocious Felines... a temp milder day with mostly gray skies... now it's misty-foggy on the tame prairie... so, busy-busy today as usual, and the Kougaress is glad she got to spend time on her writing.

Dig in, and hunker-bunker down, darling kittens. Winter weather is likely to hit most of us harder than usual. And always remember, this Big Cat loves ya!

Authoress news and mews ~

The Kougaress is still working on Chapter Five of her short story... however, it's going good, except for coming up with a title... yay!

Remember! Shapeshifter lovers, our ShapeShifter Seductions *free read* LOVE TO THE RESCUE is now available at Smashwords, and at their premium catalog venues... here's the link ~


Strange Creature or Angel Flying Caught on Camera in Brazil CONTRIBUTOR: Paranormal Stories. A cameraman in in Boa Vista, Brazil caught in camera strange creature flying. The cameraman thought he was captured birds flying, but when zoomed the clip, he realized they were two strange winged creatures that resemble WHAT we may call angels. please watch and see for yourself....


Haunting: Rare Chernobyl drone footage reveals devastation in Pripyat exclusion zone
RT | An American photographer has used a drone to capture amazing images of the area surrounding the Chernobyl nuclear power plant.
Wishing you romance on the wild side… 

Kisses, Savanna Kougar

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